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Rectangular Continuum Earrings

Price : $107

Available quantity : 5

Designer : rachaelgrigulis

CONTINUUM Earrings Ultra-modern, minimalist and stylish statement earrings. Earring length= 30mm, width= 12mm, depth= 12mm the metal has been blackened and highly polished to add depth and dimension to the piece. CONTINUUM = as we continue on our journey, sometimes the path changes direction, sometimes repeating the path we have just been on... yet it continues, perhaps with such a small difference that it does not seem to differ from any other ....continuum

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Ship to Africa $15 $15
Ship to Asia $15$15
Ship to Australia $5$5
Ship to Europe $15$15
Ship to North America $15$15
Ship to South America $15$15

Ships via Australia Post. In Australia = $5 All other countries = $15

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